Installation Guide (English)
A Guide for MATLAB Installation
This document describes how to install MATLAB using ‘Total Academic Headcount (TAH)’. The TAH is a free academic license for KAIST students.
Create a Mathworks Account
Visit the Mathworks website and go to the sign up page: [Sign in] - [Create One!].
You should use your KAIST email address.
To complete creation, verify your email address by checking the email inbox.
(You can leave the license field empty.)
Register the KAIST TAH license
Sign in the mathworks website using your created account and click My Account in upper right corner
Click on the [Link] to add the KAIST TAH license to your account.
Enter the activation key for the KAIST TAH license.
(The activation key can be obtained from [KFTP] - [Serial] - [ETC S/W].) -
You have successfully associated your account with the KAIST TAH license.
Go to the My Account in the Mathworks website.
Click Download Products.
Click the R2021a button. Choose your computer platform then download will be started.
(You can choose another version but this class is considering the R2021a.)
Run the MATLAB installer. Enter your mathworks account and password.
(You should enter the KAIST email address.) -
Select license and move on.
Select the products.
(Follow the installer’s recommendations.) -
Confirm the list of products what you select. This is the final confirmation before installation process which will take a time.
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