Exercises 3.7 - 4.2

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Chapter 3. Systems of Linear Equations

3.7 Matrix Factorizations; \(LU\)-Decomposition

Exercise 3.6. (\(LU\)-decompositions)

In this problem, we find an \(LU\)-decomposition of \(A\), where \(A\) is given in the of the Section \(3.7\).

  1. Find an \(LU\)-decomposition of \(A\) by following the procedure given in the Example \(2\).

  2. Solve the linear system \(A \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}\) by using the \(LU\)-decomposition of \(A\) obtained in (1), where \(\textbf{b} = \left[\begin{array}{r} 0 \\ -2 \\ 1 \end{array} \right].\)

  3. Tell what happens if you use the MATLAB command lu of \(A\). Explain why this result differs from the result in (1).

Problem 1.

A = [6 -2 0; 9 -1 1; 3 7 5]; % Set the matrix A.

format rat; % Display results as a rational form.

% Initialization of U and L.
U = A; L = eye(3); 

% Multiply the first row by 1/6.
% L(1,1) is the inverse of 1/6.

% Add (-9) times the first to the second.
% L(2,1) is the negative of (-9).

% Add (-3) times the first to the third.
% L(3,1) is the negative of (-3).

% Multiply the second row by 1/2.
% L(2,2) is the inverse of 1/2.

% Add (-8) times the second to the third.
% L(3,2) is the negative of (-8).

disp('A is'); disp(A);
disp('The Lower Triangular part L is'); disp(L);
disp('The Upper Triangular part U is'); disp(U);
disp('The product L*U is'); disp(L*U);

MATLAB results.

A is
       6             -2              0       
       9             -1              1       
       3              7              5       

The Lower Triangular part L is
       6              0              0       
       9              2              0       
       3              8              1       

The Upper Triangular part U is
       1             -1/3            0       
       0              1              1/2     
       0              0              1       

The product L*U is
       6             -2              0       
       9             -1              1       
       3              7              5

Problem 2.

% Solve the linear system Ax=b 
% by using the LU-decomposition obtained in the problem 1.

% First, let us solve L*y = b by forward substitution.
% Set the right-hand-side vector b.
b = [0 -2 1]';

% Initialization of the solution vector y.
y = zeros(3, 1);
y(1) = b(1) / L(1, 1);
y(2) = (b(2) - (L(2, 1)*y(1))) / L(2, 2);
y(3) = (b(3) - (L(3, 1)*y(1)) - (L(3, 2)*y(2))) / L(3, 3);

% Next, let us solve U*x = y by backward substitution.
x = zeros(3, 1); % Initialization of the solution vector x.
x(3) = y(3) / U(3, 3);
x(2) = (y(2) - (U(2, 3)*x(3))) / U(2, 2);
x(1) = (y(1) - (U(1, 3)*x(3)) - (U(1, 2)*x(2))) / U(1, 1);

disp('The solution to Ax=b by the LU-decomposition is'); disp(x');

MATLAB results.

The solution to Ax=b by the LU-decomposition is
     -11/6          -11/2            9

Problem 3.

fprintf('Using MATLAB command lu\n');
% LU decomposition of A with a permutation matrix.
[L, U, P] = lu(A);

disp('Lower triangular part L is'); disp(L);
disp('Upper triangular part U is'); disp(U);
disp('The permutation matrix P is'); disp(P);
disp('PA='); disp(P*A); disp('LU='); disp(L*U);

MATLAB results.

Using MATLAB command lu
Lower triangular part L is
       1              0              0       
       1/3            1              0       
       2/3           -2/11           1       

Upper triangular part U is
       9             -1              1       
       0             22/3           14/3     
       0              0              2/11    

The permutation matrix P is
       0              1              0       
       0              0              1       
       1              0              0       

       9             -1              1       
       3              7              5       
       6             -2              0       

       9             -1              1       
       3              7              5       
       6             -2              0

Exercise 3.7. (\(LU\)-decomposition)

  1. The MATLAB command lu is used to find the \(LU\)-decomposition of a matrix \(A\). Tell what happens if you use the command lu for \(A\), where \(A\) is given in the Example 2 of the Section 3.7. Explain why this result differs from the result in the textbook.

  2. Using MATLAB, observe what happens when you try to find an \(LU\)-decomposition of a singular matrix.

Problem 1.

% Construct the matrix A.
A=[6 -2 0; 9 -1 1; 3 7 5]; 

% LU decomposition of A.
[L, U, P]=lu(A); 
disp('[L U P]=lu(A)');
disp('L'); disp(L); disp('U'); disp(U); disp('P'); disp(P);

MATLAB results.

[L U P]=lu(A)
       1              0              0       
       1/3            1              0       
       2/3           -2/11           1       

       9             -1              1       
       0             22/3           14/3     
       0              0              2/11    

       0              1              0       
       0              0              1       
       1              0              0

Problem 2.

% Construct the some singular matrices.
A1=[1 0 0; -2 0 0; 4 6 1]; 
A2=[1 -2 7; -4 8 5; 2 -4 3];
A3=[1 0 0; -2 0 0; 4 6 1]; 

% LU decompositions of them.
[L1 U1 P1]=lu(A1); [L2 U2 P2]=lu(A2); [L3 U3 P3]=lu(A3); 
disp('[L1 U1 P1]=lu(A1)'); disp('L1');disp(L1);disp('U1');disp(U1);
disp('[L2 U2 P2]=lu(A2)'); disp('L2');disp(L2); disp('U2');disp(U2);
disp('[L3 U3 P3]=lu(A3)'); disp('L3');disp(L3); disp('U3');disp(U3);

MATLAB results.

[L1 U1 P1]=lu(A1)
       1              0              0       
      -1/2            1              0       
       1/4           -1/2            1       

       4              6              1       
       0              3              1/2     
       0              0              0       

[L2 U2 P2]=lu(A2)
       1              0              0       
      -1/4            1              0       
      -1/2            0              1       

      -4              8              5       
       0              0             33/4     
       0              0             11/2     

[L3 U3 P3]=lu(A3)
       1              0              0       
      -1/2            1              0       
       1/4           -1/2            1       

       4              6              1       
       0              3              1/2     
       0              0              0

Remark on problem 1. Since the permutation matrix \(P\) is not the identity matrix, the MATLAB command lu gave us an \(LU\)-decomposition after multiplying \(A\) by the permutation matrix \(P\), hence, this decomposition is a \(PLU\)-decomposition of \(A\) because \(PA=LU\). Since at least one row interchange of \(A\) occurred in the process of \(LU\)-decomposition, this result is different from the decomposition result in the textbook.

Remark on problem 2. When we try \(LU\)-decomposition of the sigular matrices using the MATLAB command lu, the resulting upper triangular matrices are singular.

Chapter 4. Determinants

4.1 Determinants; cofactor Expansion

Exercise 4.1.

Compute the determinants of the matrix A:

\[A = \begin{bmatrix} -4 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & \\ 1 & -4 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & -4 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & -4 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & -4 \end{bmatrix}.\]

How can you construct \(A\) brilliantly?


A = ones(5) - 5 * eye(5);
disp('A is'); disp(A);
disp('Determinant of A is'); disp(det(A));

MATLAB results.

A is
      -4              1              1              1              1       
       1             -4              1              1              1       
       1              1             -4              1              1       
       1              1              1             -4              1       
       1              1              1              1             -4       

Determinant of A is

Exercise 4.2.

Show that

\[\det \left( \begin{bmatrix} \displaystyle a & b & c & d \\ -b & a & d & -c \\ -c & -d & a & b \\ -d & c & -b & a \end{bmatrix} \right) = (a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2)^2.\]


syms a b c d;

A = [a b c d; -b a d -c; -c -d a b; -d c -b a];

disp('Given matrix is'); disp(A);
disp('Determinant of the given matrix is');

MATLAB results.

Given matrix is
[ a,  b,  c,  d]
[-b,  a,  d, -c]
[-c, -d,  a,  b]
[-d,  c, -b,  a]
Determinant of the given matrix is
(a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2)^2

Exercise 4.3.

The \(n\)th-order Fibonacci matrix [named for the Italian mathematician (circa 1170 - 1250)] is the \(n \times n\) matrix \(F_{n}\) that has \(1\)’s on the main diagonal, \(1\)’s along the diagonal immediately above the main diagonal, \(-1\)’s along the diagonal immediately below the main diagonal, and zeros everywhere else. Construct the sequence

\[\det(F_{1}), \,\det(F_{2}), \,\det(F_{3}), \,\cdots, \det(F_{7}).\]

Make a conjecture about the relationship between a term in the sequence and its two immediate predecessors, and then use your conjecture to make a guess at \(\det(F_{8})\). Check your guess by calculating this number.


% Construct the 10x10 Fibonacci matrix F.
N = 10; nOnes = ones(N, 1);
F = diag(nOnes) + diag(nOnes(1:N-1),1) - diag(nOnes(1:N-1),-1);

for n = 1:7                 % n is from 1 to 7
    Fn = F(1:n,1:n);        % nxn Fibonacci matrix is selected from F.

MATLAB results.


The constructed sequence satisfies the relationship


for \(\det(F_1)=1\) and \(\det(F_2)=2\). From that, we may guess that \(\det(F_8)=34\). MATLAB gives us the same output value 34 as our guess.

Exercise 4.4.

Let \(A_{n}\) be the \(n \times n\) matrix that has \(2\)’s along the main diagonal, \(1\)’s along the diagonals immediately above and below the main diagonal, and zeros everywhere else. Make a conjecture about the relationship between \(n\) and \(\det(A_{n})\).


format rat;
% Construct the 10x10 matrix A satisfying given conditions.
n = 10; nOnes = ones(n, 1);
A = 2*diag(nOnes) + diag(nOnes(1:n-1),1) + diag(nOnes(1:n-1),-1);

for i = 1:10                % i is from 1 to 10
    Ai = A(1:i,1:i);        % A_i matrix is selected from A.

MATLAB results.


From the outputs, we make a conjecture about the relationship between \(n\) and \(\det(A_{n})\) as follows:


4.2 Properties of Determinants

Exercise 4.5. (Determinants with \(LU\)-decomposition)

In this problem, we find the determinant of the matrix \(A\) by using the \(LU\)-decomposition of \(A\), where

\[A = \begin{bmatrix} -2 & 2 & -4 & -6\\ -3 & 6 & 3 & -15 \\ 5 & -8 & -1 & 17 \\ 1 & 1 & 11 & 7 \end{bmatrix}.\]
  1. Compute the determinant of \(A\) directly by using the MATLAB command det for \(A\).

  2. Compute the determinant of \(A\) by using the MATLAB command lu for \(A\). Confirm that you get the same results.

Problem 1.

A = [-2 2 -4 -6; -3 6 3 -15; 5 -8 -1 17; 1 1 11 7];

det_A = det(A); % Find the determinant of A by using the command det.

disp('The determinant of A by direct use of the command det is');

MATLAB results.

The determinant of A by direct use of the command det is

Problem 2.

[L, U, P] = lu(A); % We have a PLU-decomposition of A. (i.e., PA=LU ).

% Since the determinant of a triangular matrix is
% just a product of diagonal entries,

det_L = prod(diag(L)); % The product of diagonal entries of L.
% Or, you may use the command det for L, directly. (i.e., det_L = det(L)).

det_U = prod(diag(U)); % The product of diagonal entries of U.
% Or, you may use the command det for U, directly. (i.e., det_U = det(U)).

% If you observe the permutation matrix P, you can see that
% P is an odd permutation. Thus, we have det(P) = -1.
det_P = -1;
% Or, you may use the command det for P, directly. (i.e., det_P = det(P)).

% Since PA = LU, det(P)*det(A) = det(L)*det(U).
det_A = det_P * det_L * det_U;

disp('The determinant of A by using the LU-decomposition is'); disp(det_A);

MATLAB results.

The determinant of A by using the LU-decomposition is

Exercise 4.6. (Effects of Elementary Row Operations on the Determinant)

Using the MATLAB command det, confirm the formulas (a) - (c) in Theorem 4.2.2 of Section 4.2 for the matrix \(A\) given in the problem 31 of Exercise set 4.1.


A = [3 3 0 5; 2 2 0 -2; 4 1 -3 0; 2 10 3 2];

% (a). Multiply the second row of A by 2 and call it A2.
% Initialize the matrix A2 as A.
A2 = A; 
% Multiply the second row of A by 2.
A2(2,:) = 2*A(2,:);
disp('The determinant of A2 is'); disp(det(A2));
disp('2*det(A) = '); disp(2*det(A));

% (b). Interchange the rows 2 and 4 of A and call it A24.
% Initialize the matrix A24 as A.
A24 = A; 
% Interchange the rows 2 and 4 of A.
A24(2, :) = A(4, :) ; A24(4, :) = A(2, :);
disp('The determinant of A24 is'); disp(det(A24));
disp('-det(A) = '); disp(-det(A));

% (c). Add 2 times row 3 to row 4 of A and call it A234.
% Initialize the matrix A234 as A.
A234 = A; 
% Add 2 times row 3 of A to row 4.
A234(4, :) = 2 * A(3, :) + A(4, :); 
disp('The determinant of A234 is'); disp(det(A234));
disp('det(A) = '); disp(det(A));

MATLAB results.

The determinant of A2 is

2*det(A) = 

The determinant of A24 is

-det(A) = 

The determinant of A234 is

det(A) = 

Exercise 4.7.

Use a determinant to show that if \(a, b, c,\) and \(d\) are not all zeros, then the vectors

\[\begin{align} \mathbf{v}_{1} &= (a,\, b,\, c,\, d)\\ \mathbf{v}_{2} &= (-b, a, d, -c)\\ \mathbf{v}_{3} &= (-c, -d, a, b)\\ \mathbf{v}_{4} &= (-d, c, -b, a) \end{align}\]

are linearly independent.


syms a b c d;
v1 = [a b c d];
v2 = [-b a d -c];
v3 = [-c -d a b];
v4 = [-d c -b a];

V = [v1; v2; v3; v4];
disp('det(V) is'); disp(simplify(det(V)));

MATLAB results.

det(V) is
(a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2)^2

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